Thursday, April 19, 2007

rain rain rain

It's raining cats and dogs in Suva today....and I as a look out the window, I see that the rain is washing away the dirt, dust and grime from the road, the hedge and the buildings....And the poor litle roses are being blown hither and thither....but tenacious little buggers that they are, they are clinging on to their stems for dear life....The rain is also causing some of the water to pool together in one corner of the garden and will probably end up drowning all the greenery there...

Just watching this interplay of nature outside my window - reminds me of what is going on in Fiji. The RFMF has come in to "Clean Up"....just like the rain.
Just like the rain, some of the dust and grime has been wached away....
Just like the water that is pooling together in one corner to drown the greenery, all the opportunists have gathered together to drown this country in instability, insecurity and debt....
Then there are the little roses clinging on for dear life - these are like the PEOPLE of FIJI - who will weather this rain, like other rains that have come before and those that are yet to come....they will hang on to the stem that is Fiji until this rain like other rains is chased away by the sun!!

Ahhhhhhhhhh..........................I love the rain.....ALSO!!
Because you can run out in the rain and dance like an idiot and sing your heart out!!
It is just you and God and your gawd awful vocie!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

thinking aloud....

I wonder what makes people so bitter/angry/sour that they resort to plotting and meticolous planning in order to take down NOT ONLY the person who has caused them harm BUT anyone associated with them?

What causes someone to behave like that?

One would think that a person's system would be so poisoned by such thoughts and acts of planning and deviousness!!

That is why it is so important to take time out to heal one's spirit....And this can be as simple as sitting under a tree or on your balcony with a cup of soothing tea.....
If you are in a garden - great!!
But if you are on your balcony - burning some essential oils - esp lavender ones - can really just relax one and heals one's flagging spirits!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Lavender Heals

Lavender is soporific and added to bath water or sprinkled on pillows aids relaxation and sleep